St. Saviour's is such a lovely church! The Rev'd Reynard put a lot of effort into getting this church built, and no one helped him. He cut deep into his family's living allowance to pay two professional carpenters to get it finished. He wanted a little English cathedral, and that's what he got. It remains one of the most beautiful (most photographed) buildings in all of Barkerville. It is still almost all original too.
For some reason, I don't have a single shot of its exterior. I'll keep an eye out.
Looking out the front foor from the apse.
The BIG original woodstove. The apse is beautiful, but hard to photograph because of the amount of light those windows let in. However, the visual effect at 10:00am on a Sunday morning is stunning.
The altar.
Umm ... don't tell the bishop I was sitting in her chair.
Following is a bunch of fire-starting photos. Believe it or not, I was always a little nervous lighting fire in this building. Look hard ... it's all wood. Wood that has been allowed to cure for 140 years.
Another photo of the church's interior.
This photo is quite deliberate. Can you make out the portrait on the wall behind me? That's the Rev'd James Reynard ... the original Barkerville priest. Can you see the size of that beard? That's what I had to live up to.
That's the rope for the church bell we are gathered around. EVERYONE wanted to summon the faithful.